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Co-Assessment is when co-teachers collaboratively create, evaluate, administer assessments; then analyze and reflect on the results in order to drive instructional decisions. 

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The 3 Stages of Co-Assessment 

  1. Create and Evaluate Assessment

  2. Administer Assessment

  3. Analyze and Reflect on Assessment Results

Stage 2 


During the Co-Planning process co-teachers make decisions about who is responsible for which parts of the assessment. 


During Co-Instruction co-teachers each play a role in the administration of the assessment tool or are involved in the assessment activity.  

Stage 3 


After Co-Instruction co-teachers work together to analyze the assessment and reflect on student learning. 


This is done through dialogue and is an opportunity for the CT to share their thinking about an assessment and how it informs the planning moving forward. 

Stage 1 


During the Co-Planning process co-teachers work together to create an assessment activity or tool that will help them see student learning. 


They talk through the assessment to ensure it will accurately measure what the students will learn in the lesson or at the end of a unit. 

Co-assessment is not giving the Intern a test or activity from last year and having them use it in their teaching.


Co-assessment is not giving the Intern a stack of papers to grade by themselves. 

Co-assessment involves conversation about the actual assessment task and sharing the responsibility for evaluating student learning. 


Co-assessment makes the invisible knowledge CTs have about assessing student learning visible to the Intern.


This video clip shows two teachers engaging in co-assessment. Listen to the language being used and the way both are actively involved in the thinking and dialogue. 

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This Co-Assessment Map can help you during co-planning to think through the assessment task and role of each co-teacher.

A hard copy can be download for your work with co-assessment 

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